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1) Campaign Info

2) Set campaign location

3) Campaign Message Settings

4) Set campaign time and execution conditions

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Campaign Attribution

Campaign usage status

Campaign Management - Mobile


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  1. Create: Click to create a new campaign.

  2. Delete Campaign: Delete the selected campaign(s) from the list.

  3. Download All: Download the list of campaigns in CSV format.

  4. Campaign Settings

    1. Campaign Priority Settings: You can set the priority of the campaigns.


    2. Frequency Capping: Limit the frequency of all campaign messages, excluding test campaigns.


    3. Blacklist Management: Uploaded blacklist entries will not receive campaign messages.


  5. List Display Settings: Configure the display of columns on the campaign list.

    1. Required: ID, Campaign name, Status, Campaign period
    2. Optional: Client ID, Sends, Response, Creator, Creation date
  6. Status Filter: Filter campaigns based on their current status.

    1. Filter options: In Progress, Inactive, Done
  7. Campaigns per Page: Default options are 15, 30, 50, 100, 200, and the total count next to the setting indicates the total number of campaigns.

  8. Campaign List Page: A list of current, future, and previous campaigns.

  9. Page Navigation


Frame 507.png

  1. Checkbox: Select/deselect campaign(s)
  2. ID: Unique Campaign number
  3. Customer ID: ID specified by the customer
  4. Campaign Name
  5. Campaign Status: Progress, Inactive, Done (Supported in both mobile and web) - In Progress: The campaign is live
  1. Reach: Number of push messages reached to the target
  2. Response: Number of responses to push messages and response rate
  3. Start Date: Campaign start date
  4. End Date: Campaign end date
  5. Creator: Campaign creator
  6. Creation Date: Campaign creation date
  7. Visit Performance: Go to the campaign visit performance page
  8. Message Performance: Campaign push message performance
  9. Edit: Edit campaign conditions
  10. Copy: Copy campaign conditions

Campaign Summary


Clicking the campaign name in the list will take you to the campaign summary page.

Campaign Message Performance


  1. Campaign Title

  2. Number of User Segments: The number of segments set in the campaign.

  3. Campaign Visit Performance: Go to 'Attribution'.

  4. Sent/Opened

    1. Select message reach/response.

    2. Aggregated in 10-minute increments.

    3. The number of messages reached (number of campaigns matched)

    1. The number of users reached (number of unique users matched with the campaign)
    1. The number of responses to the message
    1. The number of users who responded to the message (number of unique users matched with the campaign)
  5. Check Message Performance

General Messages


A/B Test Message


Message performance can be checked for both general messages and A/B test messages.

  1. You can check the total number of reaches and the number of reaches daily during the campaign period.
  2. During the campaign period, you can check the total number of reached users and the number of reached users daily, not including the number of overlapping users.
  3. For messages reached during the campaign period, you can check the total number of responses and the number of responses daily.
  4. For messages reached during the campaign period, you can check the total number of users who responded to the message and the number of users who responded to messages by day. It does not count duplicate users.
  5. You can download JPG and CSV files of the graphs.
